Look What's On
Reception Christingle Making Workshop with Parents on Tuesday 10th December and Friday 13th December at 2pm. Please book with the class teacher.
Our Choir will be taking part in the Christmas Concert at the University of Kent on Tuesday 10th December 7pm. Rehearsal will be from 11am to 2.45pm.
Nursery Christmas Performance will be on Monday 16th December and Thursday 19th December at 2.30pm.
The KS1 Nativity will be on Thursday 19th December at 9.30am.
Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch will be on Wednesday 18th December.
Please come and join our Family Liaison Officer at our Toddler Group on a Friday morning from 8.30am to 9.45am in the Family Hub on KS2 playground.
Every Friday Mrs Buckett runs a craft club from 2pm to 3pm for parents/carers. Please come to the office if you'd like to join in.
Falcons class will be swimming on a Tuesday afternoon this term.